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Jan 0
geschätzte Lesedauer: 2 Minuten

Bevor der Tag anbricht und meine Gedanken, die ich jetzt wälze, wieder klitzeklein werden, habe ich Dirks Beitrag zum Karnevalsblog gelesen und plötzlich hatte ich eine Idee. Ich schnappte mir von Chris Zippel die „Genuine – Nu Ambient Grooves 2“. Dort befinden sich ein paar Titel mit Ausschnitten einer Diskussion zum Thema Zeit…

A: What are you?

B: My species is known as human. I come from a planet called Earth.

A: Earth?

B: This is what my planet looks like. You and I are very different species. It will take – time – for us to understand one another.

A: What is this – „time“?

B: I do not understand the threat that I bring to you. But I’m not your enemy. Allow me to prove it!

A: Prove it?

B: It can be argued that a human is ultimately the sum of his experiences.

A: Experiences – What is this?

B: Memories – things from my past. Like this one…

A: Past?

B: Things that happen before now… You have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about?!

A: What comes before now is no different that what is now. Or what is to come. It is once existence!

B: Then for you, there is no linear time.

A: Linear time – What is this?

B: My species lives in one point in time and once we move beyond this point, it becomes the past. The future… all that is still to come, does not exist yet!

A: Does not exist yet?

B: That is the nature of a linear existence. And if you examine more closely, you will see that you do not need to fear me!

B: In a linear existence, we can’t go back to the past to get something we left behind. So – it’s lost.

A: It is inconceivable that any species could exist in such a manner. You’re deceiving us!

B: No, this is the truth. This day – this, this park – it was almost 15 years ago – far in the past. It was a day that was very important to me. A day that shaped every day that followed. That is the essence of a linear existence – each day affects the next!

Ich habe lange gebraucht, herauszufinden wo dieser Dialog entnommen wurde. Also ein kleines Quiz mit einem Hinweis: Aus welcher Serie stammt dieser Dialog und wer ist B?

Lösung: Dirk hat das Rätsel gelöst, es handelt sich um den Pilotfilm zur Serie „StarTrek – Deep Space 9“ und B ist der von der Föderation eingesetzte Capitain der Station Benjamin Sisko.

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