Ich muss zugeben, der Rohentwurf zu diesem Text ist schon wirklich eine ganze Weile her. Vor einiger Zeit schrieb mich dann auch Sebastian an und bat mich um Überarbeitung. Ich lud mir die nochmal überarbeiteten Versionen der Tracks herunter und fand sie besser als vorher, fand aber inhaltlich keine essentielle Änderung. Erst als mich Larry anschrieb, hörte ich mir die Track noch einmal genauer an und fand plötzlich einen ganz anderen Zugang und erweiterte den Text noch etwas. Auch wenn jetzt drei Leute Hand angelegt haben, trägt der Text zum neuen Release doch ganz unverwechselbar meinen Stempel *g*
There has been a lengthy lull between Joerg Schuster’s „Changes LP“ in 2004 and this new Sensual Physics release. In between Joerg released the „Expanding Itself“ EP on Epsilonlab though his alter egos Lufth and Digitalverein basically remained on hiatus since then. Now, finally, with „The Thin Girl“ Thinner is extremly proud to release four gems of the huge backstock Joerg has accumulated over the past years.
Originally the four tracks on „The Thin Girl“ derive from a live set which Joerg used to play as Sensual Physics. These tracks conjure up memories or moments that link to infinitesimal frozen slices of time, created to last indefinitely. Being influenced by the time being, these four parts of the original live set have been rejuvenated and renewed. In re-recording each piece, Joerg carves out the essence of the original track and builds on that.
Each piece is distilled with a touch of accident. Whether it be a small break, a crackle or some fading reverb, these random elements expand the basic theme behind Joerg’s creation of each track which are just developed further from there, iterated, and reassembled until the pieces fit together perfectly. Beside these chaotic and analytical elements all tracks are sensualwise carried out by warm floating basslines and dreamy soundscapes even if the track would be entitled „Out Of Sense“.
Like zooming into a piece of fractal art, the listener gets deeper and deeper into the tracks which include soft pieces of chaotic elements being more or less sussed out. Listening more intently and analytically, the mind starts recognizing each sound being distinct from the other ones such as in „Garden Of Apples“, and when it begins putting the pieces back together again, it surprisingly finds that none of these tracks sounds exactly the same way the others did.
Where vocals are involved, they are concerned with the immediate moment like in „Closer To You“. This one, in particular, stands at a distance from the other tracks because of the space between the questioning, sensual voice which gives it a particularly enlivening and mysterious edge by comparison.
So „The Thin Girl“ is an interweaved mixture of analysis and warmth. And, just after diving deep into a track, the listener soon feels its approaching end only to start sinking into the next one.
Joerg would like to thank the Freesoundarchive Community Project, as some of the voice snippets used in „Close To You“ originate from there.